“如何在中国使用 Perfect Money 提取现金:分步指南”
分类: 新闻动态 发布时间:2023-05-09 点击:1012次
摘要:Perfect Money是欧美流行的收款钱包,但是对于国内的人来说,取现可能有点棘手。在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用Perfect-Money认证的交易所和Epay使用支付宝CNY提现。

您是否曾经在您的 Perfect Money 钱包中收到钱,但发现很难提取现金?别担心,你不是一个人!这是有关如何在中国使用 Perfect Money 提取现金的快速简便指南。
Have you ever received money in your Perfect Money wallet but found it difficult to withdraw cash? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here is a quick and easy guide on how to withdraw cash using Perfect Money in China.

Step 1: Use a certified exchange company to withdraw cash

首先,使用Perfect Money认证的兑换公司提取现金很重要。这将确保顺利和安全的交易。
First, it is important to use an exchange company that is certified by Perfect Money to withdraw cash. This will ensure a smooth and secure transaction.

Step 2: Open an Epay account and verify it

接下来,开设一个 Epay 账户并完成验证过程。此流程支持大陆身份证,方便中国用户使用。
Next, open an Epay account and complete the verification process. This process supports mainland ID cards, making it easier for Chinese users.

Step 3: Select the e-wallet to recharge

完成身份验证后,选择您要用于为 Epay 账户充值的电子钱包。这可以通过多种方式完成,包括银行转账或使用支付宝或微信支付等其他电子钱包。
After completing the authentication, select the e-wallet you would like to use to recharge your Epay account. This can be done in several ways, including bank transfer or using other e-wallets like Alipay or WeChat Pay.

Step 4: Transfer U.S. dollars to the Epay wallet

Epay账户充值成功后,将美金转入Epay钱包。款项将自动转入您的 Epay 账户。
After successfully recharging your Epay account, transfer the U.S. dollars to the Epay wallet. The money will be automatically transferred to your Epay account.

Step 5: Choose Alipay CNY to withdraw cash

Lastly, choose Alipay CNY to withdraw cash. Before withdrawing cash, confirm the binding bank card to ensure a smooth transaction.

使用此分步指南,您可以轻松地从中国的 Perfect Money 钱包中提取现金。刷钱快乐!
Using this step-by-step guide, you can easily withdraw cash from your Perfect Money wallet in China. Happy cashing!

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